Trail Projects completed in 2019:
- Paving the last unpaved section of rail trail in Leeds. Grant and CPA funded
- Removal of about 40 hazard trees in Florence and Leeds. Grant funded
- Repair worst of root damage and drainage problems between King Street and Earle Street. Grant funded
- Built 1 mile of trail from Burts Pit Road to Overlook to Sandy Hill. Grant and CPA funded
- Advance trail from Route 10 to Route 66 to get on the TIP. Federal and state funding line
- Began shared use bicycle/pedestrian path from Bridge Street to the MassCentral. Part of the Exit 19 roundabout
Trail Projects completed in 2020:
- With help from the Saw Mill Hill fundraiser, the City of Northampton purchased a chunk of land to expand the Saw Mill Hill Greenway in Florence.
- The City of Northampton purchased the Beaver Brook Greenway between the bike path and Saint Mary’s Cemetery.
- Northampton is also about to close on a trail easement from behind Saint Mary’s Cemetery to Haydenville Road/Route 9. It is an extremely generous donation from Peter and Stephanie Flinker. Thank you both for this donation!
Trail Projects completed in 2021:
- Roots removal and repaving at two locations: along the train tracks just east of King St, and along the spur to Easthampton near the Smith College stables.
- Purchase of 45 acres of conservation land in Leeds that abuts the rail trailwhere it crosses Beaver Brook
- Beautification project in Florence consisting of the clearing of brush and planting of 45 native, flowering shrubs
- Painting of murals on the rail trail pavement at 4 intersections in Florence
- Removal of dead and dangerous trees abutting the trail in Florence between Bardwell St and Bridge Rd
Trail Projects planned for 2021:
- Start design and construction of the Northampton One Trail: “Develop a ONE Northampton trail that encircles the city, building on existing trails, adding trails where there are gaps, with a good treadway, consistent signing.”
- Edwards Square/North Street bike path access ramp
- Design lower Pleasant Street (Hockanum Road to Roundabout) to explore bike lanes
- Start redesigning of Main Street, downtown, and explore bicycle accommodations
- Complete shared use bicycle/pedestrian path from Bridge Street to MassCentral
- Begin bicycle friendly roundabout at North King and Hatfield
- Bidding for King Street with bicycle accomodations from North Street to the MassCentral trail crossing
- Begin initial design for long term plan of trail from Damon Road to Elm Court in Hatfield
- Hadley/Northampton bridge rehabilitation project – the Calvin Coolidge Bridge on Route 9 over the Connecticut River (bike lanes to come!)
- Reconstruction of Damon Road, from Route 9 to Route 5. Includes drainage system repairs and slope stabilization at the Norwottuck Rail Trail
- Easthampton/Northampton – installation of a shared-use path along Mount Tom Road from the Manhan Trail to Atwood Drive

Updates adapted from:
Wayne Feiden, FAICP
Director of Planning & Sustainability
City of Northampton